Striving for Social Change in the Face of Futility

Sunday, September 3, 2017
10:30 am - 11:30 am

Confronted with war, mass shootings, celebrated bigots, corrupt politics, and environmental crisis many are given to answer questions that covertly suggest their own answers: “What is the point?” (No point at all) and “What can be done?” (Nothing) In this sermon Dr. Jeffrey Nall offers an answer to the fatalistic resignation and cynical defeatism that he has seen in fellow activists, students, friends, and acquaintances.

About our Speaker:

Jeffrey Nall, Ph.D. is a Master Instructor of Philosophy at Indian River State College where he teaches courses in philosophy and humanities. He previously taught philosophy and humanities courses at the University of Central Florida. Nall also teaches courses for Florida Atlantic University’s Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies program. He can be reached through

Worship Leader: Jennifer Stokes

Accompanist: Gary Smart

Location: BBUUC
