Stuff: You Can’t Take It With You

Sunday, October 1, 2017
10:30 am - 11:30 am

You can’t take it with you….  a sermon about the stuff that surrounds us and the stuff that fills our lives… We are a nation of hoarders – what are you hoarding?

Reverend Liz Teal specializes in eco-theology, the human-animal bond, and all their healing aspects. She is the Spiritual Director for The Ministry of Animals and the Educational Director for Giving Paws, specializing in animal assisted therapies and chaplaincies. She graduated Summa Cum Laude in Behavioral Science from Mercy College in New York, with additional concentration and studies in animal-assisted therapies. She holds a certificate in Interfaith, Inter-spiritual Counseling. Her ordination is from and held by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Rev. Teal has taken the vows and is a member of The Community of the Mystic Heart. She is a mystic, a minister, a chaplain, an artist and a storyteller as well as being a third-generation Unitarian Universalist.


This service will include a Pennies from Heaven collection to benefit Meals on Wheels.

Worship Leader: Kris Kines
Accompanist: Eileen Morrison

Location: BBUUC
