
July 31:Rev Elizabeth Teal picture

Do you know what Lughnasadh is? Do you even know how to pronounce it? As modern humans we are much removed from the rhythms of the Earth and out of tune with the Wheel of the Year ancient humans devised to keep time with the seasons. Modern adherents of Earth-Centered spiritual paths seek to bring their lives back as much as possible to their ‘roots’ and align themselves with the natural world around them. Learn the timeless insight and universal wisdom the Pagan holiday of Lughnasadh–Celebration of First Harvest–can teach to humans living in the modern world.

Rev. Elizabeth Teal (with the Covenant of Unitarian Universalist Pagans):

Reverend Teal specializes in eco-theology, the human-animal bond and all their healing aspects. She is the Spiritual Director for The Ministry of Animals and the Educational Director for Giving Paws, specializing in animal assisted therapies and chaplaincies. She graduated Summa Cum Laude in Behavioral Science from Mercy College in New York, with additional concentration and studies in animal-assisted therapies. She holds a certificate in Interfaith, Inter-spiritual Counseling. Her ordination is from and held by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Rev. Teal has taken the vows and is a member of The Community of the Mystic Heart. She is a mystic, a minister, a chaplain, an artist and a storyteller as well as being a third generation Unitarian Universalist.

Worship Leader:  Meghan Kaminski

Accompanist:  Sydney Crisp