The Book that Transformed the Western World

Linda Crawford and Marilyn Smart

“The Book that Transformed the Western World”

Worship Leader: Jennifer Stokes
Accompanist: Gary Smart

About our Service:
The rediscovery of one amazing book helped to usher in the modern age. That ancient book, “On the Nature of Things”, introduced revolutionary ideas about science, human dignity, and free will. Marilyn and Linda will relate how the book was discovered, how its ideas impacted its society, and how it continues to influence us today.

About our Speakers:

Marilyn Smart most recently sang two of Samuel Barber’s “Hermit Songs” with texts from the 11-13th centuries for BBUUC. Contemplating the Middle Ages from the musical perspective only heightened her interest in this fascinating book. Marilyn holds degrees from Indiana University and Yale. She has taught at Kobe College and Osaka University (Japan), and the University of Wyoming. Marilyn currently teaches music at the University of North Florida.

Linda Crawford has always been fascinated by the medieval world, and by the transition from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. She holds a Master’s degree and a PhD candidacy in Medieval and Northern Renaissance art history.