This Week in RE 4.21.19

Springtime is never about sitting at home. It’s all about taking in the smells of the earth and frolicking on the lap of nature. In the spring, at the end of the day, you should smell like dirt. ~ Margaret Atwood

Hello Families,

It’s time for the weekly blast out from RE.  This is a fun way for you to engage your kids in faith development for the benefit of both them and you!  I encourage you to ask your kids open ended questions about what they are doing in RE and to wonder with them about the mystery and the awe of the universe.

This coming Sunday is Whole Church Family Worship celebrating our UU Flower Communion and Easter.  After the service the children will gather in the Olympia Brown Room. While we wait for our “Bunnies” to hide eggs, everyone will learn the ground rules for finding our “Principled” eggs.

Remember to bring with you:

  • a basket or bag for collecting eggs
  • flowers for each member of your family
  • a covered dish for luncheon
  • and if your really cool-wear an Easter Bonnet! I know I will be wearing mine 🙂

Happy Spring! And see you at Church!